Friday, October 12, 2012

Opinions about Motherhood

The alarm goes off.  It's 5:45am.  Time to get the day started so that I can get myself ready before getting my son up and getting him ready.  Ugh, I'm tired!  It doesn't help that last night I stayed up until almost midnight because I finally had a chance to read some of the book I've been wanting to finish!  So, here goes another day.  After I'm done getting ready, I get my son up, who isn't happy to be up either.  We struggle through getting him to the potty and getting him dressed.  He's happy to eat breakfast but doesn't want to sit in his seat!  Time to put his coat on...ummmm, no, he is not liking that!  I struggle to put his coat on and tell him to go to the front door because we are going bye-bye.  He simply states, "No."  Again, I tell him to go to the front door because we are leaving.  He again says "No" with a little more umph!  I grab his hand and start walking with him to the door.  He acts as if he has no muscles in his legs and starts hanging from my hand.  I stop, tell him to stand up, and he doesn't listen.  Again, I tell him to stand up.  I let go of his hand and he lays on the floor.  By this time, I'm getting frustrated.  I tell him to stand up or he will be going to the corner.  He slowly (at a snail's pace) gets up and shuffles to the front door.  He stands in front of the mirror by the door and won't move.  I tell him to go out the door.  He stands there.  I tell him to "c'mon".  He stands there.  I juggle my bags around and pick him up (not easy when he is 37 pounds)!  I get him outside, put him down, and lock the door.  He runs to the other side of the porch.  I tell him to come to mommy so I can help him down the stairs.  He stands there staring at me.  I want to scream!  I tell him to c'mon and we will eat some muffins in the car.  He gives in and takes my hand.  We walk to the car, but as we approach it he starts yelling "NO!  No!  No bye-bye!"  I tell him that we have to go and mommy has to go to work.  He starts whining and crying.  I pick him up and attempt to put him in his car seat.  He stiffens up.  I tell him to sit down.  He doesn't listen.  I tell him to sit down again and I help with this a little.  He keeps telling me no and crying.  After buckling him in, I shut the door and take a deep breath.  I go around to the other side and get in.  He's still crying.  I look back at him and tell him to calm down.  I turn up the radio.  He quiets down and asks for a muffin.  I give him one and he seems to be okay.  We pull up to the daycare and he starts again with the "No's".  After I get him out of the car, we walk up to the daycare and once inside he is fine until he realizes I'm leaving...then more crying starts.  I kiss him, tell him I love him and leave with the sound of his crying haunting me as I go.  I realize, it's only 7:35am and I'm already exhausted!

Motherhood...okay, so every day isn't like this.  Thank God!  We have some really good mornings where everything goes smoothly and he's a little angel.  I treasure those moments!  It's those bad mornings that get me!  I reflect back to my days before having a child and realize how easy life was!  Granted, I wouldn't change having my little man here with me for anything, but he certainly reminds me of how easy things were!!  Moments like these start some interesting conversations.

I hear my friends talk about motherhood and how much they love being a mom and I think to myself, am I the only one who thinks motherhood is crazy?  This is where I start to get crazy looks from my friends if I start sharing my feelings.  It's such a taboo topic talking about whether or not someone enjoys being a mom.  I share my feelings despite the feedback I might get.  I share that I don't like being a mom.  I like being my son's mom and sharing his life with him, but I don't like being a mom.  I don't like being completely responsible for another human being.  I don't like having the weight of extremely important decisions on my shoulders.  Decisions that can help to form my son into a good man or cause him to be a spoiled little brat.  I don't want the responsibility of that!  When he is throwing his tantrums in public and I see everyone staring, I hate the pressure.  I know some people are thinking, "She needs to get that child under control.  He just needs a good spanking!"  While others are thinking, "I can't believe she just smacked his bottom!  Maybe if she would sit down and talk to him instead of just spanking him, he wouldn't be this out of control!"  The pressure of it all just consumes me because I know I will never be right in every one's's just not possible!  So why do I put this pressure on myself?  I have no idea!  Why do I take that pressure and allow it to cause me anxiety?  Again, I have no idea!  I guess I just like to please people and not let them down.

I hear mothers talk about how being a mom is the most rewarding thing they have ever done.  I would have to say that maybe I will think the same thing as my son gets older, but as of right now while my son is 2 1/2 years old, I would have to say that it is not feeling like the most rewarding job!  :)  I know, this too shall pass!  Now, don't get me wrong.  My son is wonderful!  He is a sweet boy who loves his mommy and daddy.  He is full of energy and makes us laugh.  I love the feel of his little arms around my neck when he hugs me.  I love it when he kisses MY booboo's and makes them all better!  LOL!  He is great!  This is where people get confused.  A lot of people think that if you don't like motherhood that means that you don't love and enjoy your child--WRONG!  That is not the case at all.  This is where the guilt comes in.  It seems that as moms, if we say anything negative about motherhood that we are directly relating that to our children, but that is not the case.  My wonderful little boy has nothing to do with my feelings about being a parent.  His behavior now is just like several other 2 and 3 year old children...trying!  His behavior and personality have nothing to do with my feelings.  Of course, he wears me out and I'm exhausted most of the time, but that's typical.  What I'm trying to say here, is that if you are having these feelings about motherhood (you know, the "I'm not dancing around and singing all of the time because I'm a mommy"), you should not feel bad or feel guilty.  It would be nice if we could just openly express our feelings without being judged.  Just because I don't give the usual answer regarding my feelings about being a mom does not mean that I'm any less of a mom than anyone else.  It just means I'm honest!

There are times when I feel like I need a break from everyone and everything and then there are times that I can't wait to see my son and I don't want to miss a second of my evening with him.  There are times when I hear moms talking about how badly they feel that their children have to go to daycare and they feel badly that they can't just stay home with their kids.  I will openly say, "I was not made to be a stay-at-home mom, so I let my son enjoy his time at daycare while I am at work."  This too has gotten me some grief.  What?  What is wrong with being able to say that I could not stay at home every day with my child?  Some women were made for this and others were not.  I just happen to be in the "others" category!  I don't know what it is about me or my personality that drives me to want to work and interact with adults for part of my day, but that's just how I'm programmed.  I shouldn't be judged for this and neither should you if that is how you are feeling.  Look, not everyone was made to be a police officer, a doctor, or a coroner, so why do we automatically assume that every woman was made to LOVE being a mother and a stay-at-home mother on top of that? 

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the responsibilities of motherhood, you are not alone!  Don't worry, things come in seasons.  Life with your child will get easier at times, then it will become more difficult and then it will return to being not so hard, and so on.  Don't beat yourself up if you don't have the overly optimistic and wonderful view of motherhood as some of your friends and family.  Don't be pressured into feeling like this means that you are a bad mom and that something is wrong with you.  We are all different.  We were all made to do different things.  I am no less of a parent due to my feelings and opinions about motherhood and neither are you.  I love my son.  I can't imagine my life without him.  We struggle at times, but we make it through and move on.  You will make it too. 

I don't know if the PPD has anything to do with my feelings about motherhood, and I never will know, but regardless, I'm learning, growing, and just trying to be me.  I try to say the difficult things because I know that I am NOT the only mother out there having these types of feelings.  I know what it feels like to be scrutinized for not giving the "perfect" answer about motherhood...the "expected" answer, but I don't care anymore.  I'm not on this earth to win the "I'm the best mom ever" trophy!  I'm here to glorify God and to help others.  I hope in some way this blog entry will at least speak to someone about their feelings about motherhood and will encourage them in knowing that they are not alone!